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Day 3 - Responding to Client Feedback and Technology Research

· One min read
OIP Team 1B

Today we received feedback from our client about our initial collaboration idea. They've suggested we provide more detailed information regarding our "Amazing Race" concept.

In response, we convened a meeting to discuss our progress, create an implementation plan, and layout the framework for our pitch video.

Our frontend team has been researching Three.js, a JavaScript library that enables us to create and display 3D graphics. Meanwhile, our gamemasters have been brainstorming a variety of games and puzzles to be included in the "Amazing Race". We're still planning the overall flow and refining our pitch.

For the backend, we've decided to share a single database (Firebase) with Team A. This will ensure a seamless flow of state and information between the teams. By tonight, we will decide on whether to use Node.js or Golang for our server.